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Coloured pavement is helpful for traffic guidance

Release time:2019-01-22 Browse times:0

What does the color road look like? Foshan Bonny Trading Co., Ltd. introduced the imported formula of color pavement materials, using macromolecule resin polymer for bonding. When paving, a very thin layer of epoxy resin is sprayed on the road surface, and then covered with special, colored granular materials. However, municipal experts warned that at present, urban air dust has not yet reached the standard. Whether the color pavement can achieve "beauty" without damage in this air condition remains to be further assessed.

According to British expert James Davlin, color pavement is more popular in Europe, the biggest advantage is to facilitate traffic guidance. At present, hundreds of thousands of square meters of bus color lanes have been laid in central London, and more than 100,000 square meters of bicycle color lanes have been laid. Heathrow Airport and London have laid 20 kilometers of colored road between the city, for bus lanes, if other vehicles enter will be fined.

Some cities in China have also laid color pavement, but due to various reasons, the scope of popularization is narrow, and it has not played a very good role. I believe that China will adopt relevant policies to popularize color pavement in the future.

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