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Greenway, Municipal Road-Expressway

Release time:2019-01-22 Browse times:0

Greenway: In greenway, the road refers to the slow-moving traffic system that connects the city and the suburban nodes accessible to the city. The greenway material has the following basic attributes:
Environmental protection, three series of ecological permeable pavement has gradually developed into the first choice of new urban living suburban greenways in China.
Landscape, greenway materials generally require bright color, durable, self-heating texture, and complementary with the surrounding environment. Natural stone aggregate concrete, glue pervious stone, color asphalt, color concrete and plastic wood materials are generally recognized by the industry.
In terms of smoothness, the construction of Greenway mostly adopts the integral continuous pavement method, but seldom adopts the traditional pavement brick or stone pavement.
Durability, greenway has become or will become an indispensable part of people's daily life, so only mature, durable, durable and easy to maintain materials, in order to minimize the adverse impact on people's lives;
Economy, greenway is generally long, one-time construction area is large, its use is mainly to serve bicycles and pedestrians, mostly non-profit public infrastructure invested by the government, generally requires good economy and comparability.

Municipal Road-Highway:
At busy intersections, we decorate the pavement with bright and striking colors to guide traffic.
In bends, ramps, culvert entrances and dangerous areas, color anti-skid pavement greatly improves safety.
Whether it's asphalt or concrete pavement, Bonning can turn it into any color in an hour.
Whether it is heavy-duty roads, bicycle paths, footbridges, Meibang will make it safer and more beautiful.

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